Main Content
A better approach to prospecting
Clients need you as much as you need them!
Scenario 1:
You reach out to clients (Upwork, cold emails, etc.). Why? Because YOU have a problem. You need their business.
Scenario 2:
Clients reach out to you. Why? Because THEY have a problem and your services may provide the solution.
You want to know the best part?
Clients are just as desperate in Scenario 2 as you USED TO BE in Scenario 1.
you’re only as successful as your ability to market yourself
If you want to pay with money, there are plenty of marketing agencies out there. If you want to pay with time (DIY), you’re in the right place. If you think there’s a third option… there isn’t!
Marketing Micro Blog
Our Micro Blog is updated each Tuesday and Thursday with a new short-and-sweet piece of content designed to help you solve a specific problem as it relates to marketing your business.
The Resources Section
These are my preferred web products and services – the same that I’ve used over the years and recommend to clients. Also, having the right tool is nice, but marketing knowledge is critical.
SCC Free Report
Since you’re here, you likely already have a copy of this. (If not, sign up here.) This is a great introduction to inbound marketing and funnel building… and how you stop chasing clients and have them come to you!
Who the hell am i?
I’m the guy who’s going to help you get clients to come to YOU!
My name’s Nick Mistretta. I have a journalism degree, wrote and published a travel memoir after backpacking around the world for a year post-college, stumbled like a drunken monkey into digital marketing in 2012, and began copywriting a few years later. And the changes I’ve experienced as a freelancer recently are staggering.
I remember when cold emailing was a powerful outreach tool… not so anymore. I remember when platforms like Upwork had more good clients than freelancers… DEFINITELY not the case anymore. The gig economy has become very competitive, and attracting clients to you is the best way to succeed… and NOT lose your freaking mind!